John A. Seafisk Knows Nothing!

Saturday, May 28, 2005

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Good Humour

The other day, being in the supermarket frozen foods section, I bought myself a box of Firecracker pops. These were the red, white & blue frozen treats I enjoyed as a kid under the consumer name of 'Bomb Pops'. Of course, the geopolitical climate has changed since then.

As I went through the tri-color ice-on-a-stick (but not the whole box in one sitting), I noticed on the sticks themselves little riddles printed on. In this way, even after the snack is gone, you still have something to enjoy! Allow me to share some of the nuggets of comedy I uncovered:

Q: Who Lives In A Sand Castle?

A: A Sand Witch.

Q: How Do Pigs Talk?

A: Swine Language

Q: What Did The Digital Clock Say To His Mother?

A: Look Ma, No Hands!

Q: What Magic Spell Turns You Into A Dinosaur?

A: The Tyrannosaurus Hex

Q: What Washes Up On Really Small Beaches?

A: Microwaves.

Ah, the mirth of it all.
