John A. Seafisk Knows Nothing!

Saturday, April 09, 2005

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I think I'm finally done with the Pepsi/iTunes Free Music Crusade. It's getting harder to find bottles with the yellow caps, and my more-than-normal consumption of sody-pop is causing my stomach to revolt. So, here's what I proudly claimed and happily downloaded onto my 'puter:

Pixies - Bam Thwok
Phil Collins - I Don't Care Anymore
Quiet Riot - Bang Your Head (Metal Health)
Judas Priest - You Got Another Thing Comin'
Supersuckers - Hey Ya!
Danny Gatton - The Simpsons
New Bomb Turks - The Night Before The Day The Earth Stood Still
Primitive Radio Gods - Standing Outside a Broken Phone Booth With Money In My Hand
Ice Cube - Check Yo' Self
Neil Young - This Note's For You
Eddie Murphy - Boogie In Your Butt
Hoyle Osborne - Maple Leaf Rag

If that isn't eclectic, I don't know what is.
