John A. Seafisk Knows Nothing!

Saturday, January 29, 2005

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Is it late January already? My, how time flies.

Let's see, what have I done since my last documented rambling? Well, I....

-Made garlic mashed potatoes & green bean casserole for Thanksgiving dinner

-Attended a Chargers-Bucs game with Jim and a co-worker friend of his (more details detailed further down this page)

-Drank some Windhoek Lager from Namibia

-Helped put out a mini-fire at someone's party

-Got mad at co-workers

-Drank some Boddingtons from Manchester

-Re-made garlic mashed potatoes for Christmas dinner

-Went to Disneyland the day after Christmas

-Watched a Bakersfield Condors ice hockey game from ice-level seats

-Became ill, then consumed a few Coldbusters from Jamba Juice to help eradicate it.

-Bought SCTV Volume 2 to place next to my copy of SCTV Volume 1, while anticipating the upcoming release of SCTV Volume 3

-Got mad again at co-workers

-Drank some Stella Artois from Belgium

All in all, an eventful two and some months. I hope the following year has just as many adventures for me. Like, maybe I'll finally try Steinlager.
